

Painting Classes

Painting Courses
from £50.00
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The classes take place every Friday from 6 - 9 pm in Saltaire and consist of a group of up to 8 participants.

The acrylic painting classes for beginners offer a wonderful opportunity to develop your painting skill in a friendly and focused environment with a professional artist.

During each 3-hour session, we’ll create original paintings from start to finish, each one designed to teach you different aspects of painting, including colour mixing and theory, brush handling, composition, transferring images from a photograph, the theory behind a great abstract painting, portraits, landscape and more.

The classes aim at absolute beginners and more advanced painters who want the space to experiment.

You will learn:

  • Colour mixing techniques

  • Ways to hold the brush for a desired effect

  • How to transfer the image from a printout

  • Mixing skin tones

  • Fundamentals of an abstract painting

Courses start dates:

12th of January (6 or 12 weeks)
23rd of February ((6 weeks)
19th of April (6 or 12 weeks) - Portrait Painting Course
31st of May (6 weeks) - Plein Aire & Landscape


6-week course – £240 (£40 per class)
12-week course – £440 (£36 per class)